Photo Tour Terms & Conditions


Registration is completed when AdePhotography has received the booking deposit along with the signed booking and Risk Waive forms.

Cancellation Policy / Fees / Refunds.

1. All cancellation notices must be sent by email and will become effective as of the date of the email receipt.

2. Cancellations made 90 days or more before the tour start date – The full 100% of the Balance payment will be refunded.

The booking deposited is non refundable.

Cancellation Fee: 100% of booking deposit only.

3. Cancellations made 89 to 31 days before the tour start date – 50% of the Balance payment will be refunded. The booking deposit is non refundable.
Cancellation Fee: 50% of Balance payment AND 100% of Booking deposit.

4. Cancellations made 30 days or less before the tour start date – No refund of the balance payment nor booking deposit can be made. We can accept no further liability.

Cancellation Fee: 100% of balance payment AND 100% booking deposit.

5. Any bank charges incurred due to payment refunds will deducted from the amount due for refund.

Travel and Medical Insurance.

We travel to some remote and exotic locations, it is mandatory that you arrange comprehensive medical and travel insurance before the start of the photo tour that covers the entire  period of your travel and  Photo tour.

You will be required to produce a copy of the insurance certificate prior start of the photo tour. 

You are responsible for your own travel insurance.

Neither AdePhotography, nor its employees, nor any tour service providers are in any way liable for any personal injury, accidents incurred by yourself, caused by yourself or caused by a named third party.

It is strongly advised that all participants purchase comprehensive travel and medical insurance that covers all areas required, including but not limited to – life cover, medical expense, photographic equipment damage loss and theft, personal items damage loss and theft, cancellation or interruption to your travel due to any emergencies which may force you to cancel or leave the tour unexpectedly; And all other areas that you deem necessary.

Your Equipment and Insurance.

You are responsible for your own photography gear and equipment insurance.

It is strongly advised that all participants purchase comprehensive insurance to cover all items during the entire time of the tour, this is your own responsibility.

Neither Ade Photography Ltd, nor its employees, nor tour service providers are in any way liable for any loss, damage, theft of your own equipment or any loss, damage, theft of the equipment of a named third party caused by you.

Your Health.

Participation on AdePhotography photo tours require that you are generally in good health. Your must be able to carry your own equipment in areas of steep hills / steps and over uneven terrain in all weather conditions, including but not limited to – Snowfall and Rain.

The photography tour locations are in areas of extreme cold or heat, participants who have a medical history of blood pressure, heart-related problems, asthma or breathing conditions in areas of extremely heat or cold are advised to seek medical advice prior to booking the tour. Please make any medical problems and related dietary restrictions known to us before departure.

Wildlife photo tours requires working and travelling at times in some quite inhospitable conditions, and we may be walking over uneven ground, slippery and rocky surfaces in extreme cold or hot conditions, at times we will may have to photograph from a boat during times of rough waters and at times from a safari jeep with an exposed roof top.

Neither Ade Photography, nor its employees, nor service vendors will accept any liability for personal injury, accidents, loss or damage to any personal belongings.

Impact of Weather / Flight Delays / Operator Tour Cancellation.

Refunds CANNOT be made for any flight delays or cancellations due to weather or acts of God or otherwise, before your arrival, during the scheduled tour and after the tour.

AdePhotography is not responsible for any additional costs that you may incur due to flight delays or cancellations due to weather, acts of God or otherwise, prior to that start or after the tour.

In the unlikely event of any Photo Tour cancelled by AdePhotography, – The full Booking deposit and Balance payment will be refunded in full within 28 days of notification of cancellation. we can accept no further liability for any expenses you may incur.

The Entire Contract.

These Terms and Conditions together with additional terms and condition outlined in the booking information pack, the terms and conditions provided by the service operators and the Risk Waiver constitute the entirety of our contract with you as a participant on one of our Photo Tours.

All participants will be required to sign a Risk Waiver form, this will be sent to you along with the booking information pack and payment details.

Registration is completed when the booking deposit and the signed Risk Waiver form are received.